Monday, June 1, 2009

In the swing of things...

so im really gonna try and write something here often.  im not going to say every day because i want to set a reasonable goal for myself, and that is not.  So tonight i sit here listening to the song "None but Jesus" by Hillsong and I've found the lyrics that hit me hard tonight.  

"All my delight is in you Lord,
All of my hope, all of my strength
  All my delight is in you Lord, forevermore" 

I think the reason this hits me so hard is because of the word "all".  That word just encompasses a lot of things.  I'm gonna be really dorky about this whole thing and bring in a lot of definitions because i think knowing exactly what the words mean literally can say a lot more than me just going off of what i think it all means.  So i'm just gonna go into a definition frenzy here so watch out.

All - the whole of (as in a quantity, extent, of duration)
Delight - a high degree of pleasure or enjoyment; joy; rapture
Hope - a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. Hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.
Strength - something or someone that gives one strength or is a source of power or encouragement; sustenance

The reason i looked up the definitions of these words especially is because i feel like they are in a lot of songs i sing.  I use these words a lot.  For the record, Hope is my middle name, in case you didnt know that, there's a little something extra for ya.  Back to the point.  I think the reason this particular part of the song hits me so hard is because of the word ALL. It's such a short word and i dont think i fully wrap my head around the idea of all my delight.  i fail miserably at that.  I could be totally wrong about what this song is trying to say, but the way i take it is that the whole quantity of my pleasure or at least the highest degrees of pleasure are in the Lord, his love for me, him in me, etc.  At least it should be that way.  I cannot honestly say that for myself.  I delight in a lot of things.  For example, my friendships and the time i spend with my friends.  Those times arent always spent glorifying God.  Most of the time i find more enjoyment in the time i spend with my friends than with God.  So can i honestly say that all my delight is in the Lord? ALL of it? No i cannot honestly say that right now.  Do i want to, yes.  Badly.  Am i there yet? Not even close.  What's to say i will ever get to that point? How can i say ALL of my delight will be in the Lord, FOREVERMORE??!?!?  That would mean that I would have to get to a point where all of my delight is in the Lord.  I mean obviously I'm not perfect and im going to screw up, a lot.  I'm going to find delight in other things, which brings me to my other question.  What does that even look like? To have ALL of my delight in the Lord?   

"ALL of my hope"
Ok i think this hits me hard for two reasons.  the word hope is such a strong word taken lightly in day to day conversations.   For instance, "i hope i get that job."  This is a phrase I've used quite frequently as of late.  When i think of hope, what im actually trying to convey is, this is how i want things to go.  This is why i look up definitions because I don't think the song is saying, ALL of the things i want to happen are in you Lord.  Hope requires trust.  Making what i want happen does not require trust.  I don't think you can place ALL of your hope into someone without trusting them completely as well.  So what i am saying is that i am putting ALL of my trust in you God that ALL of the circumstances in my life will work out according to you and your design.  Woah.  This is the point where i struggle to say anything for fear of lying to myself.  telling myself that yeah Aly you trust God's plan for your life, remember that one time you trusted him?  oh but wait there was that other time that you didnt, and that other time, and oh yeah that time to.  Basically what I'm saying is that ALL of my hope is not in the Lord.  Right now that hits really close to home.  Really really really close.  Trusting God's plan for my life is not something i find myself doing at the moment.  I keep coming back to Moses.  He continually gives God excuses and were always so hard on him.  Were like, Moses dude, God is about to use you in a HUGE way and you're whining to God that you arent a good speaker?  Come on man have a little faith in God why dont ya.  Mmmmm well I find myself in an interesting position in my life.  Feeling like God is telling me to do something big with my life and sitting back and asking for a detailed plan.  Complete with a schedule, map, and compass to point me in the exact direction.  God has yet to do this.  Shocker.  I complain.  Shocker.  He still doesnt tell me.  This brings me to the reason this hits me so hard.  ALL of my hope/trust should be in the Lord and his plan for my life.  I find most of my hope is placed in other things in my life, for example, my major.  I place a lot of hope for my life on my major and the job it will get me.  This is why i think God is rocking my world in this area right now.  Want to know more? Ask me about it. this post is already to long.  

"ALL of my strength"
mmmmmm yeah, again i'm feeling like this is gonna get me.  What this says to me is that ALL of my strength should be in the Lord.  The Lord alone should sustain me.  That is all.  Now, as a college student, i place a lot of value in sleep and its power.  I slack off a lot of the time on having a quiet time for that extra 30 minutes of sleep or heading to bed early so i can get up in the morning.  Basically what I'm saying is that i trust sleep and not God.  I trust sleep to strengthen me to get through the day, not God.  Why do i trust sleep?  because i have slept many times and found that it strengthens me.  Why do i not trust God?  because i very rarely go to God for my strength.  I would rather sleep, go to someone tangible, etc.  So the take home message for today?  Something i can sleep on?  Trust.  ALL of it. In him.  alone.  

Good night. 

1 comment:

  1. Why do i trust sleep? because i have slept many times and found that it strengthens me. Why do i not trust God? because i very rarely go to God for my strength. I would rather sleep, go to someone tangible, etc

    good point. i'm such a sheep.
